Wednesday, April 2, 2008

You should know...

We will meet before the day of your session to discuss ideas, clothing choices, locations and other details. For family/children/infants: Feel free to allow children to bring their special toy/blanket, and if you have an item that holds special meaning for your family such as an heirloom quilt, I would be happy to incorporate that into some of your photos. Bring your furry or not-so-furry family members, too! Seniors: Feel free to bring props, friends, pets. Whatever expresses your identity.

Some tips for what to wear:

1. Solid colours, or subtle prints are okay. You don't want anything to distract from the focus of the photo being on you.

2. Bright greens are probably not a wise choice for outdoor locations where there are trees/grass.

3. An outfit should be complete from head to toe.

4. While trendy clothes can be cute and fun, it is important to have an outfit or two that run towards a classic style as well.

5. Most importantly, this is about you. Wear what you are comfortable in, what you like, etc. Sometimes we just have to break the "rules"!

About My Photography

I really love being able to express myself creatively with painting, drawing, and writing...but, I have found that my favourite medium is photography. I’m not your mother’s portrait photographer. I'm not a mass-producer of forced smiles, fake backgrounds, and cheesy poses. But if you are looking for photos that are untraditional, yet that captures the true essence of yourself or your family, look no further. Photographs...portraits...can be works of art that become cherished heirlooms.